The mountain of Arfat

KABA Shreef

  A very large gathering of Muslims on Mount Arafat. This address proved to be his last Hajj sermon. In this sermon, he once again repeated the message of Islam. He said: "There is no god expects Allah. He is the only filled His promise and helped His Prophet against the forces of evil."
"O people! Listen to me carefully. We may not have the opportunity to meet again in such an assembly after today". He quoted a verse from the Holy Qur'an and said, "Allah says, O mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made you into tribes and nations so as to be known one from the other. And in the eyes of Allah, the most righteous is the no Arab is superior to a non-Arab. Nor is a white man in any way better than a black man. Only the goodness of a person makes him superior to others. the whole of humanity is the offspring of Adam, and Adam was created from dust. I, therefore, crush under my feet all the false claims to greatness and superiority founded on blood or wealth."
He further said O people! A Muslims is another Muslim's brother and all the Muslims are brother among themselves."
Finally he said:" I have given you the message of Allah. I am leaving among you a thing, which will guide you. If you act according to it, you will never go wrong. This is the Holy book of Allah".
Although the Prophet (peace be upon him) is no more with us, we have the Holy Qur'an to give us guidance. We should read it daily and try to understand what it teaches. If, we make a habit of acting according to its teaching, we will very soon achieve our former greatness into in the world.

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