Our Vision


Our product  include general purpose and specialized lubricants that can be tailor made to our client’s specific needs.

The Gree lubricants has pioneered many new innovative products, they include automotive and industrial lubricants. Gree lubricants manufactures general purpose oil and grease products are manufactured to meet international specifications and based on technologies used in European markets, so you may be assured of a product that will perform.

Gree lubricants performs research, development and quality control in their own lab with dedicated experts. Our staff has extensive knowledge in their respective fields which includes highly skilled chemical engineers.

At Gree lubricants we believe there is no substitute for quality that’s why we only produce premium lubricant products that are subjected to extensive testing and control. although our lubricants are unique in quality and reliability we can assure you of easy integration and compatibility when switching to our product.
To complete in today’s lubricant  market one must evolve and constantly improve products through the devolvement of skills and research. Do not settle for second best when it comes to the maintenance of your equipment, go with professionals,      GREE LUBRICANTS.

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